Analog DVR

Digital Video recorder is a mediator device that handles video feed from the surveillance cameras to the output screen. The feeds from the cameras are handled and recorded by the digital video recorder for further references. Channels of the digital video recorder varies from 4 channel to 64 channel depending on the requirement of the customers.
Why Use Analog DVR
An analog DVR system is the CCTV camera device that records the video of the place where it is installed. They are connected through the cables which support the cameras to send the videos to the connected DVR where it is played on the screen and even recorded in the system or hard disk. They are known as Analog because they capture an analog video signal and then transfers them through the connected coaxial cable to the transmitted DVR which stands for Digital Video Recording.
The main reason behind using these Analog DVR cameras is that these recorders converts the analog signal to the digital signal then the information is compressed and then it is stored in the hard drive. Why are these useful? These CCTV cameras can help to keep a security check and catch thieves. There are many shops around the world which use these cameras to make sure there is no trespassing or shop lifting as these shops are one of the biggest users of these recording devices as they help in the real-time monitoring. Even in the busiest of the crowd, one can easily prevent theft and other issues through these cameras which signals the videos directly on a screen.
Used in residential buildings, they help the security guards to keep an eye on who is coming in and who is going out by just sitting in front of a screen. They save efforts and can be super useful in the issues of security. The latest of these devices uses features like Internet access and password protection as well for extra security.
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